Nostalgia hounds are subsequently treated to a set of bombastic rendition of olden day classics such as the punk-infused bangers “Why You Do This” and “Guilty Of Innocence”, and the infectious thrasher with an Anthrax-like vibe “The Organization”. It proves a needed warm up device, as one of the performance’s highlight moments immediately follows in the blistering thrasher “Where They Lay”, which sees Osegueda complementing his powerful mid-ranged growl with a riveting set of shrieks out of the Halford school of shattering glass. The expositional opener “Lord Of Hate”, which also kicked off the 2008 “Killing Season” album, provides the needed build up of energy as it flows from a humble acoustic guitar intro into a quick-paced, yet generally streamlined and catchy first assault. The ordering of the set list, much like the selections themselves, presents a perfectly paced event for the thrashing masses. The versatile display of co-founding guitarist Rob Cavestany and his slightly younger six-string wielding foil Ted Aguilar though flashy lead exchanges and complex transition points is to be reckoned with, as is the solid, precision-based performance of the newer rhythm section of Damien Sisson and Will Carroll, but lead vocalist Mark Osegueda frequently steals the show with brilliant display of gritty attitude and power, occasionally rivaling Ronnie James Dio in the process.

#Thrash metal albums full
Breaking with the tradition of treating the most recent studio album as the focal point, there is only one representative from 2019’s “Humanicide” in congress, while older post-reunion albums such as “Relentless Retribution” enjoy a healthy representation alongside certified 80s and early 90s bangers off “Frolic Through The Park” and “Act III.” The result is a measured combination of mercilessly aggressive thrashers at full speed, punchy mid-paced anthems with biting riff work and fairly frequent forays into smooth acoustic balladry. The appropriately named audio and video album “The Bastard Tracks” is an exercise in modern thrash metal intensity, tempered with occasional flourishes of nostalgia for the sub-genre’s golden age.

Combining all the years of experience they’ve accumulated touring since the late 80s with an energetic vigor normally reserved to a band in their 20s, the resulting performance would thrash The Great Music Hall of San Francisco on May 22 nd to the point of registering on the Richter scale, and 6 months later the rest of the world will get a second chance to observe the spectacle via a physical release. Enter veteran Bay Area thrashers Death Angel with their own unique entry into the burgeoning live stream craze that has acted as an alternative to live concerts of late, taking the added step of delving into some of the deeper tracks within their extensive 35 year back catalog to give their core fan base something to write home about while literally being stuck at home.
#Thrash metal albums movie
For the better part of 2 years the live music scene has continued to reel from the catastrophic economic impact of the Covid pandemic, but as Michael Douglas’ character in the 2007 movie King Of California (aka a movie you’ve probably never seen) put it, “Catastrophe equals opportunity”.